It's been a long time coming, but today, I made the final decision and preparations to close my blog "Let It Be & Celebrate." I've had a lump in my throat for most of the day as I've been preparing to print it to a book because there is so so much pain written between the lines, but also hope for a brighter future. In the dedication for my printed book I wrote, "For the brave and beyoutiful who needed to know someone else felt the way they did and wasn't afraid to say it." This blog kept me afloat when I had nothing else inside to hold on to. It was my outlet for sharing my innermost feelings and moving forward after organized therapy and a long list of residual side effects that came with it as well as some of the HARDEST trials I've ever faced. The blog will remain public, but I won't be adding new content. I always want it to be there for someone who needs that hope when they are searching online. I will also continue to write for @hermagazine.co but have decided to take the summer off from all writing. My brain needs a vacation and this summer is my time to drink it all in and let my biggest worry be where I'm camping next. Cheers to the many amazing people who have supported my blog. Thank you. The party will continue on
Instagram and we will continue to break the stigma of mental health and work towards more women's empowerment. We are frickin amazing and there is no stopping us from showing the world our ultra classy bad assy selves!
The end.....which is actually a new beginning. xoxo